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Zoé Samudzi | Research Associate


Zoé Samudzi is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the ACTIONS Program at the University of California, San Francisco. Her research seeks to centralize trans self-determination in reproductive justice and black feminist frameworks. Her particular focus is in the epistemic tensions in cisnormative reproductive science and health practice, necropolitics with regards to resource deprivation and preventable death, and the hegemonic productions of race-gender identity. She received a PhD in Medical Sociology from UCSF. Her dissertation and present research engages German imperialism, colonial biomedicine, the Ovaherero and Nama genocide, visuality, western archives and human remains, and constructions of memory. She is a member of the editorial board for [...] Ellipses Journal of Creative Research, as well as a member of the advisory committee for the Center for Medicine, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies within the History of Medicine program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. She is also an art writer whose work has appeared in Artforum, The New Republic, The New Inquiry, Art in America, The Funambulist Magazine, and other outlets." In 2021, Samudzi was appointed as a Research Associate with the Centre for the Study of Race, Gender and Class (RGC) at the University of Johannesburg.

Visit www.zoesamudzi.com