Global Blackness Summer School ‘23 / For Wholeness. Black Being Well

_Soundness Session I / “I want to be sound”

A listening with Black Intellectual Praxes, convened by Nombuso Mathibela

Sat 18 Nov, 10:00-12:00, Flame Studios, Con Hill (next to Food I Love You)

Bring a pillow, blanket, yoga mat or cushion and gather with us in the Blue Room at Flame Studios for an immersive listening session with Nombuso Mathibela and collective Black Intellectual Praxes. Brunch snacks will be served by Lady Day.

Numbers are limited, please RSVP below to join the session.

Anchoring these sessions is the idea of ‘soundness’ and by soundness we are thinking through methods of articulating what is to be human through sound – as a sonic, embodied, performative and queer take on being human that recognises the human as a mutable category and invention explored from the genre perspectives of the Black radical tradition. When we say ‘I want to be sound’ the invitation is to think about song as a medicinal practice of how to stay in the presence of wholeness. We want to tend to historical ailments, wounds of the present and emphatically cultivate old and new methods of being that centre our continual re-enchantment of the world as a definitional process. In these sessions, together, we will read through narratives in the form of short stories, poems and other forms of literature, and listen to archival audio film footage, voice notes, speeches and music on vinyl.

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Black Intellectual Praxes

Nombuso Mathibela bio