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sccip: Writing Workshop

Anäis Nony / Writing Workshop

sccip: an RGC postgraduate community care group event

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Venue: GSA Zone A (1st Floor), Johannesburg Business School Building / map (please bring ID or your UJ student card)

As numbers are limited to 15, this is a strictly by-invitation event.

  • Wednesday 5th April, 12:30-17:00 / Introductory session/lunch & workshop session 1

  • Thursday 6th April, 14:00-17:00 / workshop session 2

Scholarship with community care is possible. This is the grounding value of sccip, a postgraduate care community hosted by Race:Gender:Class (RGC), with the support of friends across disciplines in UJ Humanities and the Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture. Recognising the often lonely, solo experience of post-graduate scholarship, sccip aims to foster a collaborative space in which to think, share, facilitate, dream and imagine theses in radically supportive, uplifting, curious and enabling ways.

Click here for Dr. Anäis Nony’s bio

March 31

sccip: Coffee Date

May 3

Colorblind Tools: Book Launch