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Session 3: Revisions - Gendering in South Africa

Queering Spaces, Blackness and Gender Formations in South Africa

A Global Blackness Reading Group with zethu Matabeni

Session 3: Revisions - Gendering in South Africa

This session is for necessary work in progress - seeking to undo the gender binary that restricts movements, articulations and possibilities for African emancipation. This session asks for bold, risky and limitless theoretical interventions.

Readings/Resources: Eudy Simelane Memorial Lecture 2021, with zethu Matebeni (YouTube link), Feminizing Lesbians, Degendering Transgender Men: A Model for Building Lesbian Feminist Thinkers and Leaders in Africa? (zethu Matabeni), Nongayindoda: moving beyond gender in a South African context (zethu Matabeni) & Queer politics and intersectionality in South Africa (Nadia Davids & zethu Matabeni). - click here to download.

Reading Group Details

Session 3 video

May 19

Session 2: Black Bodies, Sexuality & Visual Pleasures

August 10

16th Helen Joseph Memorial Lecture